30 Jan: CV Essentials Workshop


Formats and content have both changed in recent years, leaving many people with an out-of-date CV.  So updating a CV is no longer just a matter of adding your most recent professional experience or explaining a recent career gap.

If the thought of updating your CV fills you with dread, or if you have questions about what is expected in a best-practice CV, this workshop will be perfect for you.  It is designed to be useful for people at all stages - whether you are ready to apply for your next role (or a promotion), or are simply considering a return to work.

Bring a paper copy of your CV with you and Kath will provide a quick mini-review and some personalised suggestions.

Join us for an informative 90-minute, small group workshop in London, where, using the latest industry insights, Career Expert Kath Sloggett will explain:

- the basics for current best-practice CVs, including the essential sections, ideal length and format

- how to make your CV work harder for you

- how to address a career break (if you have one)

- how Applicant Tracking Systems (or software 'spiders') work and the importance of keywords

- the importance of consistency between your CV and LinkedIn and other social media networks.


CV Essentials Workshop Details

When: Thursday, 30th January 2020, 10.00am - 11.30am.  The Main Entrance on Arkwright Road opens at 10.00am, so if you arrive early or if you wish to buy a hot drink to bring to the workshop, please enter via the Finchley Road Café entrance (up steps, through the garden) which is open from 8.00am.Where: Camden Arts Centre, Arkwright Road, Hampstead, NW3 6DGPrice: £35Tickets: Available hereThis is a small group workshop so space is limited. Book early to avoid disappointment.[/vc_column_text][thb_gap height="50"][vc_column_text]

Future Events

We regularly hold similar talks and workshops on a variety of career topics, such as Returning to Work After a Career Break, How to Find a Flexible Role, LinkedIn, Interview Techniques, Negotiation Strategies, and Networking for Success.We work with individuals, small groups and corporate clients.  Check out our Events page or click here to find out more about how we could help you as an individual, or check out our the services we offer for corporate clients here.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][thb_gap height="50"][vc_media_grid element_width="6" gap="20" initial_loading_animation="none" grid_id="vc_gid:1579782821855-4abb3dd7-40cd-4" include="5564,2184"][thb_gap height="50"][/vc_column][/vc_row]

5 Mar: LinkedIn for Professionals Workshop

22 Jan: How to Return to Work Workshop